Injury Prevention Basics for Runners

Injury Prevention Basics for Runners

Today I want to talk about an important topic for all runners out there: injury prevention. As runners, we know that staying healthy is key to enjoying the sport and achieving our goals, and preventing injuries is an essential part of that. So, what can we do to...
What is Myofascial Release

What is Myofascial Release

We had a patient reach out recently inquiring about myofascial release.  She was uncertain about what it was but had heard it could likely help her with some pain she was experiencing.   The goal of today’s blog is to educate on what myofascial release is,...
Common Injuries in Growing Athletes

Common Injuries in Growing Athletes

The type of injuries we see in our young athletes strongly correlates with age and development. Today’s blog will focus on the three types of injuries we see most often in the young athlete and how we differentiate what may be going on. Tendon injuries. Bone...
Injuries of the boney type in runners.

Injuries of the boney type in runners.

In our quest to continue to be the go-to provider for the runners in our area, I am continually learning from the experts in our field.  I am 2/3 of the way through a continuing education course led by 3 of the top Physical Therapists in the field working with elite...
Dry Needling for Scars

Dry Needling for Scars

Did you know that your scars are a huge source of myofascial restriction in your body? When your muscles, surrounded by fascia (think Saran Wrap), cannot move freely, its effects can be felt throughout your body. Why is this, you ask? Because your body is a closed...
Can Physical Therapy Help with Nerve Damage?

Can Physical Therapy Help with Nerve Damage?

Can physical therapy help nerve damage? This was the question asked inside our Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy FB Wellness Community recently. The short answer is a resounding YES. The longer answer is there are several important factors that go into the HOW and HOW LONG...
Announcing Run 4 Life: A 6 Week Course for Runners

Announcing Run 4 Life: A 6 Week Course for Runners

Attention Runners! Are you pushing through the pain on your runs and just not getting the results you want? Have you ever wanted someone to assess your form and help you run more efficiently? Racing Season is about to start ramping up again. Are you worried about...
Dry Needling…Your Questions Answered

Dry Needling…Your Questions Answered

Last week, Raven Anspach, PT, DPT and I hosted a free community event at Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy.  We wanted to create a safe environment for members of the community to come and get their questions about Dry Needling answered.  This blog post features the video...
Can I Prevent Shin Splints?

Can I Prevent Shin Splints?

In today’s blog post, we share our best tips and advice for how to prevent shin splints.  If you are a runner or court athlete, you may have had your season threatened by shin splints.  They are unfortunately a common injury for many athletes.  Here at Fit 4...
What Does Referred Pain Mean?

What Does Referred Pain Mean?

What does referred pain mean?  As we have been discussing dry needling here at Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy and how we plan to use it to help our clients, we wanted to talk a bit more about pain and how it is perceived by the body.  Pain can be local to your problem,...
Dry Needling at Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy

Dry Needling at Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy

This past December, Raven and I participated in Dry Needling-1, an introduction course to dry needling.  We are both excited to bring this effective manual therapy technique to our patients.  Give this short video a listen as Raven explains some of the basic...
Sinus Pressure and Headaches.  How can we help?

Sinus Pressure and Headaches. How can we help?

Spring and Fall, two seasons here in NE Ohio where seasonal allergies can get the best of people.  Listen to our allergy expert, Dr. Raven Anspach, PT, DPT as she shares the tools she has at her disposal to help with your sinus pressure and headaches. Ready to take...
What can I do when acute back pain strikes?

What can I do when acute back pain strikes?

Acute back pain, when it strikes, can be debilitating, threatening to derail a vacation or result in lost work. In today’s FB live recording, we share our top tips for precisely what to do when back pain strikes.  Fast forward to 4:17 on the video to begin the...
Let’s Discuss Overtraining

Let’s Discuss Overtraining

Are you part of our Facebook Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy Wellness Community? Each week we share a Live Q & A where we answer questions like this one. What is the definition of overtraining? Always looking for ways to keep you Fit 4 Life. Questions or comments...
Should I really see a PT first?

Should I really see a PT first?

Answering this important question, shared in our Facebook Fit 4 Life Wellness Community.  The answer is a RESOUNDING yes.  Listen to hear our reasons why.   Questions or comments?  Share them below.  Ready to schedule your appointment here at Fit 4 Life?  Call...
What is Manual Therapy?

What is Manual Therapy?

In today’s video blog, we answer the question:  What is manual therapy? Recorded inside our Facebook Wellness Community, we share some exciting announcements at the front end of the video. Updates and announcements and more for you on this Friday First up! Save...
What is it you really do as Physical Therapists?

What is it you really do as Physical Therapists?

Taken from our weekly live Q & A inside our Fit 4 Life Facebook Group, this week’s video discusses what Physical Therapy means to us. Looking for a valuable group to learn from Physical Therapists? Comment below and we will invite you to our group. We help...
Healthy Knees?  Yes Please!

Healthy Knees? Yes Please!

In March, Raven Anspach, DPT shared her expertise with regards to knee pain with our community at our first ever live event here at Fit 4 Life.  The following post is an outline of her presentation as well as the recording of the event.  Participants of the class were...
Our Team is Growing, Meet Raven Anspach, DPT

Our Team is Growing, Meet Raven Anspach, DPT

In January of 2023, Fit 4 Life’s family grew once again.  Raven Anspach, DPT, joined our TEAM of life changing physical therapists. Introducing Raven: Raven received her clinical doctorate in physical therapy from the University of Saint Augustine for Health...
Our 10 Best Exercises for Runners

Our 10 Best Exercises for Runners

“I am a runner. What are the best exercises I can do to avoid injuries?” Such a good question! As a lifetime runner myself, married to a runner, having 3/4 children who run, and 23 years of physical therapy experience treating runners, I have a few ideas....
Why does my shoulder hurt?

Why does my shoulder hurt?

“I didn’t do anything to hurt my shoulder. It just aches now and I can’t throw a ball with my kid in the yard or fasten my bra. Why does my shoulder hurt?” This is a common question I get in the office. Watch this video to learn a bit more...
What Can I Do For Nagging Knee Pain?

What Can I Do For Nagging Knee Pain?

What can I do for my nagging knee pain? Well, that’s a good question. We don’t have a recipe book at our disposal as physical therapists BUT we can make some generalizations. Here are my top 2 pieces of advice if your knee is bothering you: 1- Fix your...
Why you must have PT after rolling your ankle.

Why you must have PT after rolling your ankle.

I had three patients in the office this week who had rolled their ankles. For all of them, it wasn’t the first time this had happened. You see, once you roll an ankle, you are predisposed to roll it again UNLESS you take action Watch this recently recorded video...
Best AM & PM Stretches

Best AM & PM Stretches

Without a doubt, most of my patients who see me in the office will be asked at one point or another if they stretch. How do I know if they are or are not regularly stretching? Usually by their overall flexibility. For years, even as a Physical Therapist, I attempted...
Top 3 Tips to help with Nagging Neck Pain

Top 3 Tips to help with Nagging Neck Pain

Nagging neck pain got you down? I can help! Give this short video a watch to learn my top 3 tips to help that nagging neck pain. Comment below with something valuable you learned. Tried all of these things already and fed up with your pain? Give us a call back to...
Can XYZ pain be prevented?

Can XYZ pain be prevented?

Many of my patients want to know how to prevent pain. Is it possible to prevent XYZ pain? I believe very often the answer is yes. We usually have signs present before symptoms start. Your posture is an outward sign of what’s going on inside your system, aka...
Can I fix my flat feet

Can I fix my flat feet

Why are flat feet a problem? How do you know if you have them, and can you fix them? Such good questions! Flat feet are a common finding in my patients. Sometimes it is foot pain that brings the patient in. Sometimes I find flat feet in patients with completely...
5 P’s that a PT can help you with

5 P’s that a PT can help you with

20+ years as a Physical Therapist has taught me that oftentimes people don’t quite understand what it is we do as Physical Therapists. These are 5 things…or P’s, that PT can help with: 1- Posture 2- Pain 3- Prevention 4- Pre-surgery 5- Post-surgery...
Protecting Your Hips

Protecting Your Hips

I have several patients in my care now with pain on the side  of their hips.  Three are women in their 40s and one is a young runner.  When I see a few patients who have the same problem and I teach them the same thing, it causes me to pause and remember to teach...
Getting Your Glutes Fired Up!

Getting Your Glutes Fired Up!

So many of my patients need to work on strengthening their glute muscles.  Our sedentary jobs and postures do nothing to make these muscles work.  Our glutes are major muscles, they support our spine, help our postural alignment, contribute to our core, and do much to...
Taking the Fear Out of Back Pain

Taking the Fear Out of Back Pain

How does this history sound? “My pain started last fall sometime.  I didn’t really do anything I can thing remember, it just started aching.  It’s not there all the time,  I can’t sit very long, certainly can’t drive long distances.  I am...
Plantar Fascitis Tool Kit

Plantar Fascitis Tool Kit

Pain in your feet got you down?  Today we will talk about the basics of plantar fasciitis and how you can reduce pain with some simple moves at home. As we have discussed previously, plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel / arch pain;  it involves...
Pain in the shoulder got you down?  We can help!

Pain in the shoulder got you down? We can help!

Let’s chat rotator cuff strengthening shall we? This group of muscles that sits on, around, and under the shoulder blade is highly overworked and under appreciated. Pain in your shoulder? Feel like you got punched in the side of the arm? Having trouble reaching behind...
Strength for the Journey.  Part 3 My Jonah Story

Strength for the Journey. Part 3 My Jonah Story

You’ve heard the story of Jonah in the Bible, right?  Jonah was a prophet and God asked him to go to Nineveh, a place he didn’t want to go. So he ran…as far as he could in the opposite direction.  Do you ever feel like Jonah?  Are you running in the...
Strength for the Journey.  Part 2 Prostate Cancer

Strength for the Journey. Part 2 Prostate Cancer

I am a firm believer that if God brings you to something, He will bring you through it. The summer of  2018 was my first true test of that belief.  I was at work, fortunately on my lunch break, when my phone rang.  It was my husband, Craig.  We were waiting for the...
Strength for the Journey.  Part 1  Boston 2018

Strength for the Journey. Part 1 Boston 2018

Here at Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy, we believe everyone has a story and everyone’s story matters. While we are walking this journey of COVID-19, I felt compelled to share my story with you. Please stay tuned as I share my five part story with you. Over the next few...
My Top 10 Tips to keep your feet and shins healthy!

My Top 10 Tips to keep your feet and shins healthy!

HI there friends, this special post is taken from my recent guest blog log entry for Alex Wollschleger Strength and Conditioning. Hi there friends!  My name is Jennifer Nieset.  I am a Physical Therapist and owner of Fit 4 Life PT here in Concord Ohio.  I am here...