
Attention Runners! Are you pushing through the pain on your runs and just not getting the results you want? Have you ever wanted someone to assess your form and help you run more efficiently? Racing Season is about to start ramping up again. Are you worried about having to skip a race? Hoping you can hit your performance and race goals this season?

Runner’s knee

IT band pain

Plantar fasciitis

Shin splints

Calf or hamstring strain

These are all super common in runners, but it doesn’t mean it’s “normal” or just part of being a runner.

We are the team at Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy, and we’re excited to offer a special program for local runners. We’re offering for the first time ever, a 6-week course just for our runners. 6 valuable topics to help remind us all how we stay healthy as runners. Personalized foot assessment and footwear recommendations. Running Rewired Injury Prevention Screens and Digitsole Gait Analysis on week 1 and week 6. Personalized results and recommendations based on the above.

Many running pains and injuries are due to overuse issues. Issues with strength, coordination, and control are major contributors. These things can be fixed without medications, injections, or surgery. Plus, you don’t have to be in pain, take complete time off from training and miss your goal race!

While the glory from victory lives on and on, far too often, our hard work is derailed by injury, and our foot never makes it to the starting line of the race we’ve dedicated months of preparation for. I know you know what we’re supposed to do as runners. We’ve heard it all before. But I’ll be the first to raise my hand that on far too many training cycles, I attempted to shortcut the process and ended up with a painful injury, preventing me from racing altogether, or from performing at my best.

Here at Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy, your movement experts have over 40 collective years of running experience and 30 collective years of physical therapy experience. We have put together a highly valuable six-week course for runners. Come, let us shower you with skilled knowledge, evidence-based research, and a plethora of personal experience.​Space is limited to 10 participants due to the personalized nature of the course.

We begin March 5th. Courses will run for 6 consecutive Tuesdays, from 6-8 pm.  Register before March 1st to take advantage of early bird registration.

Give this video a watch to learn more of the specific details.

Ready to reserve your spot?  Copy and paste this link in a new browser and enter your email address after reviewing the details.


Unable to attend the course? We are excited to offer Healthy Running Screens at the office.  Come learn for yourself your specific foot type, receive your own injury prevention screen, and initial gait analysis and recommendations.  Call the office to inquire about availability today.
