
Here at Fit 4 Life Physical Therapy, we believe everyone has a story and everyone’s story matters. We feel blessed that you’ve followed along this far on our journey of sharing our story with you. In this episode we share the events that resulted in opening our doors here in Concord, Ohio. The story has two lessons: a leap of faith, no matter how right it feels, can still be scary and when you truly live an obedient life you will receive abundant blessings. Watch to the end to hear your challenge and our hope and prayer for you.

First up, a powerful parenting story:  taking a child through a season of transition, a change in his life.  Listen as I share the story of how our son felt called to change schools in the 7th grade.  At the moment of getting out of the car that first day of school, fear and panic overcame him and I almost literally had to push him out of the car.  To make a long story short, this decision would be the right one for him.  He would feel positive and pleased with his choice and experience a tremendous first year at this new school.

Fast forward to the moment where it’s my turn to get out of the car: Praying, studying, preparing, taking action, and now it’s my turn to take the leap of faith.  At the moment it’s time for me to move to resigning, fear and panic overcame me.  As I was leaving the house, I stopped to hug each of my kids.  This was the interaction shared between me and that same son.

Me:  (Hugging) “Buddy, I feel like I need you to push me out of the car.”

Son:  (Pulls away from the hug slightly, looking up at me with a confused look), says: “Huh?”

Me:  “Remember?  Your first day of school.  How scared you felt in that car line?  You didn’t feel like you could get out of the car?  I almost had to push you?  Well, that’s kind of how I feel right now.”

Son:  (A look of understanding washes over him.)  “Oh!  (resumes hug).  “Mom…it’s so much better when you get out of the car.”

Boom.  Drop Mic.

Those words, spoken by my then 12 year old son, empowered me to action, affirmed my parenting actions as well as my leap of faith, and they will stay with me forever.

My friend.  If you yourself are facing a divinely inspired struggle and considering a leap of faith, I am here to tell you it’s so much better when you get out of the car.

Live the life God intended for you.

You will feel fear.

Do it anyway.

You may fall.

Do it anyway.

You may just fly.

Blessings my friend.  God’s got you.

Give this a listen for the full story.