
Let’s chat rotator cuff strengthening shall we?

This group of muscles that sits on, around, and under the shoulder blade is highly overworked and under appreciated.

Pain in your shoulder?
Feel like you got punched in the side of the arm?
Having trouble reaching behind your back, out to the side, or over your head?

You may be experiencing an issue related to your rotator cuff.

Often, as a result of lack of attention to these muscles, the alignment of the shoulder inside it’s socket (joint) becomes altered  A properly functioning rotator cuff helps keep that head of the humerus in it’s place.  If you are already experiencing pain in your shoulder, this simple move can provide pain relief and serve to bring that joint back into place.

Check out this short video:

Once you spend some time getting the joint into a better position, and lessening the pain, we need to start strengthening.  This simple move is often effective in the early stages of rehab.  Make sure to start without weights and only perform in a range without pain.  We can progress to adding resistance later.  At first, keep it simple.

Next, extend that arm out straight, remove the towel roll.  With a straight arm, raise it off your hip about 45 degrees, no higher.  Begin without weights and keep in pain free range.  Complete as many as you can, without pain, or 3 x 10 reps at most.  Adding 1-3# will make it more challenging, again as long as there is no pain.

When you are experiencing pain related to that rotator cuff, here are our top tips to help you recover.

1.  Pay attention to your posture.  Head up, shoulders back…your mother was right when she told you to sit up!  Check out our #1 tip for preventing pain and practice the slouch overcorrect move to help you find good posture.


2.  Chin tucks are good for almost anyone.  Since there are times when that shoulder pain is connected to your neck, working on your posture can help and a few chin tucks don’t hurt!


3.  Avoid reaching over your head and into the back seat of the car.  These two moves place the shoulder in a very compromising position and the risk of injury is high.

Not sure if it’s your rotator cuff that’s bothering you?  OR, looking for a little fitness tune-up?  We offer a valuable Fitness Check-Up to make sure you stay running on all cylinders.  Call for your appointment today. 440-340-3717