
So many of my patients need to work on strengthening their glute muscles.  Our sedentary jobs and postures do nothing to make these muscles work.  Our glutes are major muscles, they support our spine, help our postural alignment, contribute to our core, and do much to MOVE our body forward, not to mention the metabolism boost they give us when they are worked.

Today’s blog post will feature my top 5 favorite moves to get your glutes fired up.

This first move, standing hip abduction can be added any time of day to your standing activities.  If balance is an issue for you, hold on to a solid surface for support.  Draw that belly button in toward your spine, exhale as you lift one leg out to the side, about 45 degrees.  You should feel this in the muscles on the side of the leg you are raising AND in the side of the standing leg.  You are working both legs in this move as the standing leg is working to hold your pelvis level.

Repeat this 10 times on each leg, for 3 sets if you can maintain good form.

Up next, the Glute Bridge.  Most of us are familiar with this one.  It will require you to get down on the floor or other firm surface.  Oftentimes our beds are too soft so do your best to get down on the ground.

Begin by bending your knees, pull your belly button in toward your spine, palms facing down.  As you lift your hips, exhale through pursed lips to ensure core activation, and likewise press your hands down into the floor.  Lift only as high as is comfortable, feeling the work in the muscles of the back of the thigh and glutes (buttocks).  Proceed with caution initially as this can cause cramping in the thighs for some.

Hold for 3 seconds at the top.  Repeat up to 10 repetitions, sets of 3 if you are able.

Now we get to the fun ones!  This one is creatively named Fire Hydrant.  We will be harnessing our inner dog on this one.  Begin on all fours, hands should be under your shoulders, knees under your hips, in what we call a tabletop, or all 4s position.  Once again, keep that core engaged by pulling your belly button in toward your spine.  Keeping one knee bent, open the knee up and out to the side, feeling the work in the muscles in the side of the hip.  Be sure to keep the spine, your back, as still as possible.

Hold for 3 seconds at the top.  Complete reps of 10, repeating 3 sets as able.

While you are down there on all 4s, we will continue to work the muscles on the side of the glutes.  This time, straighten one leg and raise it up and out to the side, about 45 degrees, feeling the work in the muscles on the side of the hip.  You will also feel your shoulders working by now and the muscles on the side of the hip whose knee is in contact with the ground.  You are working many muscles in this position in addition to the desired gluteus medius muscles.  Do you feel yourself getting stronger yet?

Complete 10 reps, holding for 3 seconds at the top, 3 sets as able.

The final move of the day is hip extension on all fours.  The difference here for this move is the leg you are working has a bent knee and you raise that leg up toward the ceiling.  I like to think about pressing the foot up toward the sky, feeling the tension in the hamstring and working those muscles, along with the glutes.

Complete reps of 10, up to three sets if you are able.

All of these moves can be modified or progressed if need be, for example adding a band will make the moves harder.

As always, thank you for placing your trust in us.  If you have specific questions about these exercises or another issue you are having, please reach out to us today.